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機能性人工皮膚ペルナックGプラスⓇ |
- Notodihardjo SC, Morimoto N, Munisso MC, Le TM, Mitsui T, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K. A comparison of the wound healing process after the application of three dermal substitutes with or without basic fibroblast growth factor impregnation in diabetic mice. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2020 Aug;73(8):1547-1555.
- Notodihardjo SC, Morimoto N, Kakudo N, Mitsui T, Le TM, Tabata Y, Kusumoto K.Efficacy of Gelatin Hydrogel Impregnated With Concentrated Platelet Lysate in Murine Wound Healing. J Surg Res. 2019 Feb;234:190-201.
- Kakudo N, Morimoto N, Ogawa T, Taketani S, Kusumoto K. FGF-2 combined with bilayer artificial dermis composed of collagen matrix prompts generation of fat pad in subcutis of mice. Med Mol Morphol. 2019 Jun;52(2):73-81.
- Munisso MC, Morimoto N, Notodihardjo SC, Mitsui T, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K.Collagen/Gelatin Sponges (CGSs) Provide Both Protection and Release of bFGF: An In Vitro Study. Biomed Res Int. 2019 Feb 19;2019:4016351.
- Notodihardjo SC, Morimoto N, Kakudo N, Mitsui T, Le TM, Tabata Y, Kusumoto K. Comparison of the efficacy of cryopreserved human platelet lysate and refrigerated lyophilized human platelet lysate for wound healing. Regen Ther. 2018 Nov 20;10:1-9.
- Jinno C, Morimoto N,et al. A Comparison of Conventional Collagen Sponge and Collagen-Gelatin Sponge in Wound Healing. Biomed Res Int. 2016
- Morimoto N, Kuro A, et al. Combined use of fenestrated-type artificial dermis and topical negative pressure wound therapy for the venous leg ulcer of a rheumatoid arthritis patient. Int Wound J. 2016
- Morimoto N, Kakudo N Kusumoto K. Easy-to-Use Preservation and Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Combination Wound Therapy With a Gelatin Sheet and Freeze-Dried Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Case Report. Eplasty. 2016
- Watanabe M, Li H, Kim AG, Weilerstein A, Radu A, Davey M, Loukogeorgakis S, Sánchez MD, Sumita K, Morimoto N, et al. Complete tissue coverage achieved by scaffold-based tissue engineering in the fetal sheep model of Myelomeningocele. Biomaterials. 2016
- Notodihardjo PV, Morimoto N, et al. Gelatin hydrogel impregnated with platelet-rich plasma releasate promotes angiogenesis and wound healing in murine model. J Artif Organs. 2015
- Morimoto N, Kakudo N, et al. Exploratory clinical trial of combination wound therapy with a gelatin sheet and platelet-rich plasma in patients with chronic skin ulcers: study protocol. BMJ Open. 2015
- Kuro A, Morimoto N, et al. Combined use of fenestrated-type artificial dermis and topical negative-pressure wound therapy to treat the complex wound in the lower leg. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2015
- Morimoto N, Kakudo N, et al,. Comparison of neovascularization in dermal substitutes seeded with autologous fibroblasts or impregnated with bFGF applied to diabetic foot ulcers using laser Doppler imaging. J Artif Organs. 2014
- Ito R, Morimoto N, et al Laser Doppler imaging evaluation of adipogenesis after adipose tissue-derived stem cell implantation. J Artif Organs. 2013
- Morimoto N, Yoshimura K, et al.. Novel collagen/gelatin scaffold with sustained release of basic fibroblast growth factor: clinical trial for chronic skin ulcers. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013
- Ito R, Morimoto N, et al.. Efficacy of the controlled release of concentrated platelet lysate from a collagen/gelatin scaffold for dermis-like tissue regeneration. Tissue Eng Part A. 2013
- Morimoto N, Takemoto S, et al. Immediate evaluation of neovascularization in a grafted bilayered artificial dermis using laser Doppler imaging. Ann Plast Surg. 2012
- Ito R, Morimoto Net al. Adipogenesis using human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells combined with a collagen/gelatin sponge sustaining release of basic fibroblast growth factor. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012
- Morimoto N, Ito T, et al. An exploratory clinical study on the safety and efficacy of an autologous fibroblast-seeded artificial skin cultured with animal product-free medium in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. Int Wound J. 2012
- Kanda N, Morimoto N, et al. Evaluation of a novel collagen-gelatin scaffold for achieving the sustained release of basic fibroblast growth factor in a diabetic mouse model. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012
- Morimoto N, Yoshimura K, et al. An exploratory clinical trial for combination wound therapy with a novel medical matrix and fibroblast growth factor in patients with chronic skin ulcers: a study protocol. Am J Transl Res. 2012
- Ayvazyan A, Morimoto N, et al. Collagen-gelatin scaffold impregnated with bFGF accelerates palatal wound healing of palatal mucosa in dogs. J Surg Res. 2011
- Kanda N, Morimoto N, et al. Efficacy of novel collagen/gelatin scaffold with sustained release of basic fibroblast growth factor for dermis-like tissue regeneration. Ann Plast Surg. 2012
- Morimoto N, Takemoto S, et al. The utilization of animal product-free media and autologous serum in an autologous dermal substitute culture. J Surg Res. 2011
- Takemoto S, Morimoto N, et al. Preparation of collagen/gelatin sponge scaffold for sustained release of bFGF. Tissue Eng Part A. 2008
- Morimoto N, Saso Y, et al. Viability and function of autologous and allogeneic fibroblasts seeded in dermal substitutes after implantation. J Surg Res. 2005
上述の様に、二層性人工真皮を用いた真皮再生研究を継続して行ってきましたが、この治療法の限界も明らかになってきました。自家培養表皮を二層性人工真皮を用いて再生させた疑似真皮の上に移植しても生着率が十分ではないことが報告(Matsumura H, et al. Burns. 2016 Jun;42(4):769-76)されています。先天性巨大色素性母斑は直径20cm以上の巨大なほくろ(色素性母斑)が生まれたときから存在する疾患で、2万人に1人程度に見られます。母斑組織は皮膚腫瘍組織であり、自家真皮構造の中に腫瘍細胞である母斑細胞が含まる構造となっています。したがって、腫瘍細胞である母斑細胞を取り除くあるいは死滅させることができれば母斑組織中の自家真皮を使って皮膚再生が行えるのではと考え研究を開始しました(先天性巨大色素性母斑の治療については、診療内容・巨大色素性母斑、もご覧ください)。この研究は国立循環器病研究センター研究所、大阪工業大学、関西医科大学と共同でおこなっています。我々は数千気圧を用いて細胞を死滅させる高圧処理に着目し、200MPa(2000気圧)で10分間高圧処理すれば、母斑組織及び皮膚に含まれるすべての細胞を死滅させること、しかも真皮構造は損傷されないことを発見しました。実際に、高圧処理を行った母斑組織では、色素を作り出す母斑細胞が死滅しているため、徐々に黒色色素が吸収されていくことを確認しています。先天性色素性母斑を対象とし、高圧処理により不活化した母斑組織の再移植と自家培養表皮を用いた皮膚再生治療法の安全性と有効性を確認する臨床研究を関西医科大学で2016年2月から2018年10月まで、10例の患者さんに参加していただき実施しました。この結果、不活化母斑の上に自家培養表皮が生着すること、また、黒色の色素も吸収されてなくなること、を確認しました(文献1)。また、この高圧処理を行う機器の医療機器としての承認、及び保険治療となることを目標とした医師主導治験を2021年7月に開始、2023年1月に終了しました。今後は高圧処理装置の医療機器承認を目指すと共に、骨や神経の再生にも応用する予定です。

Sakamoto M, Morimoto N, et al. Melanin pigments in the melanocytic nevus regress spontaneously after inactivation by high hydrostatic pressure. PLoS One. 2017 Nov 1;12(11):e0186958. より引用
- Morimoto N, Mitsui T, Sakamoto M, Mahara A, Yoshimura K, Arata J, Jinno C, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K, Yamaoka T. A novel treatment for giant congenital melanocytic nevi combining inactivated autologous nevus tissue by high hydrostatic pressure and a cultured epidermal autograft:First-in-human, open, prospective clinical trial. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in press.
- Mitsui T, Morimoto N, Mahara A, Notodihardjo SC, Le TM, Munisso MC, Kakudo N, Yamaoka T, Kusumoto K. High Hydrostatic Pressure Therapy Annihilates Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Murine Model. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Mar 7;2020:3074742.
- Mitsui T, Morimoto N, Mahara A, Notodihardjo SC, Le TM, Munisso MC, Moriyama M, Moriyama H, Kakudo N, Yamaoka T, Kusumoto K. Exploration of the Pressurization Condition for Killing Human Skin Cells and Skin Tumor Cells by High Hydrostatic Pressure. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Jan 30;2020:9478789.
- Masuoka H, Morimoto N, Mahara A, Sakamoto M, Mitsui T, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K, Yamaoka T. Simple and efficient method for consecutive inactivation-cryopreservation of porcine skin grafts. J Artif Organs. 2020 Jun;23(2):147-155.
- Le TM, Morimoto N, Mitsui T, Notodihardjo SC, Munisso MC, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K. The sustained release of basic fibroblast growth factor accelerates angiogenesis and the engraftment of the inactivated dermis by high hydrostatic pressure. PLoS One. 2019
- Sakamoto M, Morimoto N, Jinno C, Mahara A, Ogino S, Suzuki S, Kusumoto K,Yamaoka T. Melanin pigments in the melanocytic nevus regress spontaneously after inactivation by high hydrostatic pressure. PLoS One. 2017
- Morimoto N, Mahara A, Jinno C, Ogawa M, Kakudo N, Suzuki S, Fujisato T,Kusumoto K, Yamaoka T. The superiority of the autografts inactivated by high hydrostatic pressure to decellularized allografts in a porcine model. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2017
- Morimoto N, Jinno C, Mahara A, Sakamoto M, Kakudo N, Inoie M, Fujisato T, Suzuki S, Kusumoto K, Yamaoka T. The Alteration of the Epidermal Basement Membrane Complex of Human Nevus Tissue and Keratinocyte Attachment after High Hydrostatic Pressurization. Biomed Res Int. 2016
- Morimoto N, Jinno C, Sakamoto M, Kakudo N, Yamaoka T, Kusumoto K. An Exploratory Clinical Trial of a Novel Treatment for Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevi Combining Inactivated Autologous Nevus Tissue by High Hydrostatic Pressure and a Cultured Epidermal Autograft: Study Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016
- Morimoto N, Jinno C, Mahara A, Kakudo N, Fujisato T, Kusumoto K, Suzuki S,Yamaoka T. Verification of the Inactivation of Melanocytic Nevus in vitro Using a Newly Developed Portable High Hydrostatic Pressure Device. Cells Tissues Organs.2016
- Morimoto N, Mahara A, Jinno C, Ogawa M, Kakudo N, Suzuki S, Kusumoto K,Fujisato T, Yamaoka T. An evaluation of the engraftment and the blood flow of porcine skin autografts inactivated by high hydrostatic pressure. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2017
- Liem PH, Morimoto N, Mahara A, Jinno C, Shima K, Ogino S, Sakamoto M, Kakudo N, Inoie M, Kusumoto K, Fujisato T, Suzuki S, Yamaoka T. Preparation of Inactivated Human Skin Using High Hydrostatic Pressurization for Full-Thickness Skin Reconstruction. PLoS One. 2015
- Jinno C, Morimoto N, Mahara A, Liem PH, Sakamoto M, Ogino S, Kakudo N, Inoie M, Fujisato T, Kusumoto K, Suzuki S, Yamaoka T. Inactivation of Human Nevus Tissue Using High Hydrostatic Pressure for Autologous Skin Reconstruction: A Novel Treatment for Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevi. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2015
- Morimoto N, Mahara A, Shima K, Ogawa M, Jinno C, Kakudo N, Kusumoto K,Fujisato T, Suzuki S, Yamaoka T. The rapid inactivation of porcine skin by applying high hydrostatic pressure without damaging the extracellular matrix.Biomed Res Int. 2015
- Mahara A, Morimoto N, Sakuma T, Fujisato T, Yamaoka T. Complete cell killing by applying high hydrostatic pressure for acellular vascular graft preparation.Biomed Res Int. 2014
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教授 森本尚樹